Sunday, April 26, 2009

Love And Support For NightCap,Marcia, and GIGI

Thank you beautiful people for the great support on the new NightCap episode. We are receiving tremendous response and feedback. Look out, we are going to take over as the premier online program soon!lol

Here is some of the words on the street:

Subject: Corbitt Goodwin replied to a thread on Facebook...

Date: Friday, April 24, 2009, 9:39 AM

Re: NightCap Service announcement
"HER hand + lube + no head = GI GI ...skeet skeet!! Marcia,yall freaky
and i luv it...keep it grown and sexy and tell ur friends on the show i said
whatupp from the MILL...dueces"

Subject: Tara Strickler replied to a thread on Facebook...

Date: Friday, April 24, 2009, 9:03 AM

Tara sent a message in reply to a thread.

Re: NightCap Service announcement

"*Note to self: Retract pick'n up the "GiGi" gift for Danny
today. Lol... Luv Ya Marcia! :-)"

Sylvester Stephens

April 24 at 11:48pm

Im Marcia, my name is Sylvester Stephens and Im a best-selling novelist and playwright. I know you're married and I mean no disrespect to your or your marriage. I wrote this poem in my poetry book, "The Nature of a Woman", I later wrote a book of the same title...I think this poem exacts your essence:

Beautiful is the morning
With the breaking of the dawn
Natural Beauty to my eyes
With no make-up on

Beautiful is the evening
When the the sun has come and gone
Natural Beauty to my eyes
With no make-up on

Beautiful is the woman
Whose skin when bare as is the sun
Is beautifully, naturally
With no make up on


Chuck Byrd

I absolutely love to know that there are women out there like yourself that are in tune with their sexuality. Any woman that plans to KEEP a husband should definitely be having fun with her sex life.

I have run into one woman too many that do not understand that the uniqueness of a marital relationship is that it is the ONLY relationship in Christian doctrine where sex is acceptable in the eyes of the Lord. Having said that, sex carries top 5 priority for a DAILY lifestyle. (1. Give glory to God, 2. Respect your neighbor, 3. Maintain your health, 4. Make love to your spouse, and 5. Doing whatever has not been done in steps 1-4.)

I hope that all of woman attached to this thread understand the depth of my statement. Remember, God made Eve FOR Adam because He saw that is was not good for Adam to be alone. Ice T said it best for me, "Ain't a man on Earth that can stay alive, without a (boom, boom, boom...) sex drive.